Out of Respect for TigerShark89's Covid Thread

5,163 Views | 20 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by ZZTIGER
Gregg Youngblood
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Well Gregg, i do get a notice that somebody commented on this thread; right. No need to stay up. I was prepared to read your comments and review your link; however, as I suspected your link shows you'll reach for anything and believe anything that supports your narrative. You just get on line and find anything to that you If you truly reviewed the link you would have found a very well designed methodology and clear explanations for their findings with citations.

The ratings continuum is:

Extreme--Left--Left Center--Least Biased--Right Center--Right--Extreme

BLM was rated LEFT and also included the following:

Funded by / Ownership

Black Lives Matter is a loose confederation of groups advocating for racial justice with a decentralized structure of local chapters. Funding comes through donations and a shop that sells merchandise. They lack transparency as they do not list top donors or any information on what groups fund them.
Analysis / Bias
We covered the history and criticisms of Black Lives Matter above in our history section. Our analysis will cover the content of the website.
In review, The BLM website covers news about Black Lives Matter events and their organization, as well as news regarding violence and racism toward African-Americans. Headlines are typically non-sensational such as this Never Forget Mike Brown and this Black Lives Matter Global Network Withdraws Support from California's AB 392. All information in articles is properly sourced.

Editorially, Black Lives Matter is opposed to the policies of the Trump administration and the Republican Party.
BLM created a list called What Matters 2020, which highlights what their campaign will focus on. The majority of this list aligns with the Democratic Party.
  • Racial Injustice
  • Police Brutality
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Black Immigration
  • Economic Injustice
  • LGBTQIA+ and Human Rights
  • Environmental Conditions
  • Voting Rights & Suppression
  • Healthcare
  • Government Corruption
  • Education
  • Commonsense Gun Laws
Failed Fact Checks
  • None to date
Overall, we rate Black Lives Matter Left Biased based on political positions that align with the progressive Democratic platform. We also rate them Mostly Factual, rather than High due to a lack of transparency with funding. (D. Van Zandt 11/14/2016) Updated (6/11/2020)
Source: https://blacklivesmatter.com
I'll contrast that with OAN's analysis which is deemed a:


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources @ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fake-news/ Two sites that I noted from the listing were: Winning Democrats and Blacknews.com. One is rated Extreme Left and the other Left but with adequate explanation to support findings....but back to OAN's analysis:

Funded by / Ownership
According to their about page, "One America News Network is owned by Herring Networks, Inc. Herring Networks, Inc. is a family-owned and operated, an independent media company focused on providing high-quality national television programming to consumers via its national cable networks." Herring Networks is owned by Robert Herring Sr. who is a Republican donor. One America News is funded through advertising and television subscription fees.
Analysis / Bias
In review, OAN is a far-right biased news channel and website that uses moderately loaded words in headlines and articles such as this: Sen. Schumer Refuses To Back Down On Border Wall Funding. This article does not offer sourcing at all. In another article Senate Floats Restrictions On Detentions Of Illegal Aliens In Government Spending Bill, there is again a lack of sourced information.
One America News writes articles that are very short and easy to read. Their aim is to keep stories under 1 minute long. Story selection almost always favors the right and in particular President Donald Trump. An article in AdWeek describes how the owner of Herring Networks directs his newsroom to favor Trump: "According to internal emails, Herring has directed his channel to push Trump's candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president's troubles, according to more than a dozen current and former producers, writers and anchors, as well as internal emails from Herring and his top news executives."
OAN has also promoted right-wing conspiracies such as the Seth Rich Murder and that there was no evidence of chemical attacks in Syria. Further, during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020 they have frequently promoted misinformation as evidenced by the failed fact checks below.

Failed Fact Checks
Overall, we rate One America News Questionable based on far-right bias, lack of sourcing, promotion of conspiracy theories, and propaganda as well as numerous failed fact checks. OAN is not a credible news source. (10/12/2016) (D. Van Zandt 09/10/2020)
Source: https://www.oann.com
Your party supports Socialism. What don't you get about that? Yes, I support Medicare, Medicaid, a living wage (I'll take $15 per hour for now), Public education (that includes the option for private education that does not include public funding!), Universal Healthcare (that does not prevent those who want something more from obtaining it)!

Your party is keeping multiple state economies shut down for the sole purpose of defeating Donald Trump by not supporting his growing positive economic numbers. Lies....Trump is now saying that everything is great because half the jobs lost are back. The states were forced to act independently because the President refused to lead nationally on this "global issue." People are going out of business while Democrats play political games. 200,000 people died since Trump said there for 15 cases soon to be zero....as he pivots from that and says...It's only 200,000...It could have been more if he hadn't done a good job. NEWSFLASH...Less than 10% of the country has been exposed to the virus....it's a long way from being over...A proper response would have saved lives and allowed our country to be in much better shape than it is today....AND TRUMP KNEW EVERYTHING IN JANUARY!!!! There are tapes....

Your party supports Socialism/Communism.
Have you done the research?
Do you understand what that means if it happens?
Do you understand where the money comes from?
Do you understand how Socialism works?
Do you understand why and how Socialism dies?

Same old stuff....I don't believe your fear of socialism is warranted at all. Again it works quite well in much of the world presently and it's been here for awhile now...ONLY held back by "conservatives" and there fear of any type of progress.
It's like you're so hell bent on winning an argument that you refuse to see the logical ending to your position. Can you even understand what happens if the Democrats, Antifa and BLM were to win? Yes we might get policies that are favored by a MAJORITY of Americans. The Republican party is focused on thwarting Dems. That's all they value.
Do you know what happens if the Dems were to have the majority in house, senate and occupy the white house? Progress is my prayer.
Do you get what "pack the court" means? McConnell has successfully ran circles around Harry Reid and now Chuck Schumer and accomplished a "packing of the court." Dems will unpack the court and put men and women on the bench that are inclined to justice versus this Federalist Society ideology we have been force fed the last 30 years from the right. All while screaming against "judicial activism."
Do you understand what happens when you remove the filibuster rule? Yes, Dems will finally be able to move forward with legislation that helps Americans.

Reasonable gun laws (Most Americans favor - Repubs have blocked)
Healthcare for All (Most Americans favor - Repubs have blocked)
Improved Infrastructure (Roads/Bridges/Power grid---JOBS JOBS JOBS)

Do you understand what happens when you remove the electoral college? Talk about 4 cities decide every election.
Is that what you want? What I don't want is the ability for Senators who represent 30% of the population to hold sway over those representing 70%.

Do you understand what happens if the Democrats make all of the changes to our Constitution that they are openly threatening that they will have fundamentally fractured how America has operated since its founding. Fearmongering...a constitutional change requires ratification by two thirds of the states. It is and should be a very high bar that makes changes extremely difficult unless they are extremely popular.

Despite what you may think, the United States Constitution has allowed America to get where it is today.
It has allowed a black man to become president. My point is proven here...the man is biracial

It has allowed Civil Rights (Opposed by conservatives)
It has allowed woman to vote. (Opposed by conservatives)
It has allowed blacks in America to elevate to the most prosperous black community in all of the world.(The white/black wealth gap is 10:1. We should be grateful?). If the Republicans have their way the wealth gap will continue to grow. I wholeheartedly support tax brackets consistent with those when Ronald Reagan left the White House.

Dems are going to spur JOBS JOBS JOBS....good paying JOBS.

I am an American who is black and that reality shapes my thoughts and experiences but you seem to completely ignore the information that I have shared about being a Jack Kemp Republican and a registered Republican until the party nominated GWB. I believe in limited government (not NO government). I believe in the government working on behalf of people (NOT corporations or politicians). I believe in HONESTY and INTEGRITY in my public officials...PERIOD...WHITE, BLACK, BROWN, YELLOW...ENGLISH...GERMAN...IRISH...ITALIAN OR FRENCH. I don't support torture in any form or for any reason. We are better. I don't like demagoguery or dogma. I believe America has not seen it's best days yet and am excited about the future.
General HR McMaster said this morning on Morning Joe that 80% of the Russian misinformation campaign during the 2016 election was race based. The Russians have known that the pressure point here is still race. The Republicans who say they aren't fascists are racists seem to spend an inordinate amount of time attacking the anti fascist and anti racist who protest.
But hey, if you feel like winning an argument is more important than retaining your Rights and freedoms then you've only confirmed what was already obvious. You're a Communist and you don't have a clue as to the logical ending of your position. Clueless !!
Socialism, do you know how it works?
Communism, do you know how it works?
If you think these 2 concepts are far fetched and not embraced by the Democrat Far Left, BLM and Antifa then you really are clueless. Geaux Tigers !

IF I AM WINNING ARGUMENTS IT'S BECAUSE THE FACTS ARE ON MY SIDE (versus "alternative facts"). I express and share what I know and try to be clear when I am communicating what I think.

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1) If you have to consult a fact check site you don't know Shiit about what you're talking about. Sorry ! I don't you telling me anything about that topic.

2) Socialism has never worked; not even one time. I'm assuming that the litmus test is how the masses live in these countries. i.e. China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

3) Please show everybody the list of Socialized countries that have been successful. You cannot !
Please note that Scandanavian countries are not Socialist; they are Capitalist. Socialist countries have state controlled population and means of production. i.e. Cuba, China and Venezuela.

4) FYI, quit suggesting the Republicans were against the 1964 Civil Rights Act when it was the Democrats and and Senator Robert Byrd who attempted to filibuster the Senate floor for 14 hours to keep the bill from passing.
Look it up !!!

5) You're wrong on the Woman's Right to vote 19th Admendment as well. More Republican Senators voted for the bill than Democrats. Look it up !!!

6) You say the white wealth gap is 10:1. The white population gap is roughly 10:1. Blacks make up 13%.
Roughly 40 million blacks and 240 million whites in USA.

7) I understand that at one time you thought you were a Jack Kemp Republican. Well, that's all fine. If my momma would have had a *****s she would have been my daddy. Obviously that didn't happen and you're no more a Republican than the man on the moon if you think in any way that socialism is a better choice than what you currently have. If you think socialism is a better choice than what you have in America today you are out of your freeeking mind.

8) GWB might as well have been a Democrat. He was another "centrist" who was part of the "establishment". Donald Trump is a far better conservative than any president since I've been alive; including Reagan. The problem with Donald Trump is his mouth; not his actions. If you go off of Trumps actions, he's been spot on.

9) I agree that government shouldn't be working on behalf of any entity other than the American people. Large corporations should be controlled from becoming monopoly's like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon. With that having been said, large companies keep American's employed and when large corporations suffer, America suffers. Successful business owners aren't poor. Just because Todd Graves (founder of Raising Canes) makes millions of dollars doesn't mean that Gregg Youngblood can't make millions of dollars.

Do you think that if the Government taxes Todd Graves 25% more that somehow Gregg Youngblood is going to get that money? How will that work? What happens is that if you tax Todd Graves 25% more then his employees will make less money and/or he'll go out of business and his employees will be out of work. Government needs to get out of the way.

10) If you're watching "Morning Joe" you need to get medical help right away. You're being lied to straight to your face and you're not smart enough to realize it. Dude, get your head out of your rear end and force yourself to find a conservative news source and see for yourself if you're being lied to. I'm telling you that "Morning Joe" is not leveling with you.

11) Blacks don't want everything to be about race but blacks go out of their way to make it about race.

12) BLM is not about race. BLM is about Marxism under the guise it's about race. Too bad they fooled so many people like you.

13) Antifa is a Marxist Group as well. Not debatable. Again, Marxism seeks state control of the people and all means of production; just like socialism. The only difference is how each system achieves its end goal.

In your new Socialist country you won't need to worry about ever having any wealth. You'll be the same as everybody else; poor. In a socialist society there is "The Elite" and "The Poor".
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I love people in general no matter the color! Of course all black lives matter!

I lost a good friend James Mims(La.School for Deaf) EBR Athlete of the Year in 89' to a stray bullet; going to his funeral his 4 year old daughter smiling at him in casket; it was awful! ; 16 year old punk was shooting at his friend who got hit n back 3 times but lived.

A 4 year old was shot in killed in her Dads car down the road from me a couple weeks ago. Horrible!

Dec of 2018 a 54 year old Man was murdered & body dumped ON THE STREET @ Intersection in a blue tarp with ONLY HIS SHOES SHOWING; less than 100 yard from my house we were inside crime tape

I work in Education as a Hearing Impaired Interpreter several Ex students shot n killed ; reading all of them in the obituary sucked!!
.......One student told me "he's shoot me my family would cry" ;later said he was just playing.....less than a year later his UNCLE SHOT him near Spinal cord....now he's PARALYZED the REST of his LIFE in wheelchair @ age 23!
Most did NOT have Dad's in their lives....

I could keep going..but will stop..i am tired of all of the damn killings!

Check out the website
Founder said she was a "trained Marxist"...Against the western nuclear family ...our society needs MORE Dad's ; NOT LESS!

BLM Co Founder Teams Up w Pro Chinese Communist Party Group

This organization doesn't give a damn about any of those lives mentioned above!

I would like to think race relations have improved over the years. But we live in a fallen world ; there will always be some racism.

The Media wants a race war...but it's actually an ideology war.
A Battle of save this republic!

Chinese State Media Chief Confirms CCP 'Wants Biden

Gregg Youngblood
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Thanks for your comments Rich; we are all tired of the gun violence in America and specifically in black communities. There are organizations that specifically work to abate it but unfortunately young black men discover/embrace a culture where guns and drugs are easier to get than jobs.

I have not attended one rally nor will I be attending (not my thing) but I am fine with those who are advocating for change.

I believe conflating violence in the black community with those protesting police brutality is wrong. It is apples to oranges comparing extra judicial actions by trained government agents to the actions of misguided, poorly trained kids. Our ability to get all the facts in police actions should be absolute and expected...not so much with individual offenders.
Gregg Youngblood
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1) If you have to consult a fact check site you don't know Shiit about what you're talking about. Sorry ! I don't you telling me anything about that topic. "I don't want no facts"

2) Socialism has never worked; not even one time. I'm assuming that the litmus test is how the masses live in these countries. i.e. China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

3) Please show everybody the list of Socialized countries that have been successful. You cannot !
Please note that Scandanavian countries are not Socialist; they are Capitalist. Socialist countries have state controlled population and means of production. i.e. Cuba, China and Venezuela. Socialist is your term not mine so....do what you do...my position has been made clear and I will not relitigate it.

4) FYI, quit suggesting the Republicans were against the 1964 Civil Rights Act when it was the Democrats and and Senator Robert Byrd who attempted to filibuster the Senate floor for 14 hours to keep the bill from passing. Classic...I said Conservatives...they used to be Democrats. Actually left the appropriators like Byrd, Montgomery and Stennis on their way out but you already know that.
Look it up !!!

5) You're wrong on the Woman's Right to vote 19th Admendment as well. More Republican Senators voted for the bill than Democrats. Look it up !!! Yes the Conservatives that were once Dems.

6) You say the white wealth gap is 10:1. The white population gap is roughly 10:1. Blacks make up 13%.
Roughly 40 million blacks and 240 million whites in USA. Wealth gap is based on dollars not population. Average black wealth $17,000 vs white $170,000.

7) I understand that at one time you thought you were a Jack Kemp Republican. Well, that's all fine. If my momma would have had a *****s she would have been my daddy. Obviously that didn't happen and you're no more a Republican than the man on the moon if you think in any way that socialism is a better choice than what you currently have. If you think socialism is a better choice than what you have in America today you are out of your freeeking mind.

8) GWB might as well have been a Democrat. He was another "centrist" who was part of the "establishment". Donald Trump is a far better conservative than any president since I've been alive; including Reagan. The problem with Donald Trump is his mouth; not his actions. If you go off of Trumps actions, he's been spot on.

9) I agree that government shouldn't be working on behalf of any entity other than the American people. Large corporations should be controlled from becoming monopoly's like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon. With that having been said, large companies keep American's employed and when large corporations suffer, America suffers. Successful business owners aren't poor. Just because Todd Graves (founder of Raising Canes) makes millions of dollars doesn't mean that Gregg Youngblood can't make millions of dollars.

Do you think that if the Government taxes Todd Graves 25% more that somehow Gregg Youngblood is going to get that money? How will that work? What happens is that if you tax Todd Graves 25% more then his employees will make less money and/or he'll go out of business and his employees will be out of work. Government needs to get out of the way.

10) If you're watching "Morning Joe" you need to get medical help right away. You're being lied to straight to your face and you're not smart enough to realize it. Dude, get your head out of your rear end and force yourself to find a conservative news source and see for yourself if you're being lied to. I'm telling you that "Morning Joe" is not leveling with you. Absolutely not a fan of Joe Scarborough but that has nothing to do with McMaster comments..nice try...as for conservative media you mean like the nuts at OANN, I'll pass but thanks.

11) Blacks don't want everything to be about race but blacks go out of their way to make it about race. Right blacks are the "real" racists.

12) BLM is not about race. BLM is about Marxism under the guise it's about race. Too bad they fooled so many people like you.

13) Antifa is a Marxist Group as well. Not debatable. Again, Marxism seeks state control of the people and all means of production; just like socialism. The only difference is how each system achieves its end goal.

In your new Socialist country you won't need to worry about ever having any wealth. You'll be the same as everybody else; poor. In a socialist society there is "The Elite" and "The Poor".
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1) you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You say "socialism" is my term but in your own words you say that you think that "my fear" of socialism is "unwarranted". Make up your mind. Do you know what socialism even is? Do you know what Communism even is? It doesn't sound like it.

2) you're so full of shiit. You show me where Conservatives used to be Democrats. That is massive ignorance and never ever happened. Blacks started voting Democrat after the New Deal. Conservatives didn't switch parties. Where did you get that? Philosophies change over time but don't try to sell me on Conservatives used to be Democrats.

3) if you even tune in to Joe Scarborough you're asking to be lied to everyday.

4) many blacks are as racist and any racist white people. The point is, if you don't want everything to be about race then quit bringing race up.

Gregg Youngblood
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1) you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You say "socialism" is my term but in your own words you say that you think that "my fear" of socialism is "unwarranted". Make up your mind. Do you know what socialism even is? Do you know what Communism even is? It doesn't sound like it.You said I was a Socialist, Communist, Marxist. I say I am an American that believes in freedom AND equality. I do not ascribe to everyone having the same but I do support a minimum standard for all...Whatever term you want to use is your business BUT I have been clear from Day 1 that the Scandinavian models are working and viable here.

2) you're so full of shiit. You show me where Conservatives used to be Democrats. That is massive ignorance and never ever happened. Blacks started voting Democrat after the New Deal. Conservatives didn't switch parties. Where did you get that? Philosophies change over time but don't try to sell me on Conservatives used to be Democrats. This trope has ran past it's shelf life. You know very well that the Dixiecrats whose standard bearer was good ole "hide your black daughter" Strom Thurmond were the "conservatives" in the party who migrated to the Republican party and yes some of the bigots stayed until the end but clearly all Republicans aren't racist but all the racists are Republicans. Hillary Clinton's biggest mistake was backing away from her "DEPLORABLES" comment. Many Trump supporters are all in with him:

Permanently separating children from their parents
Unwitting sterilizations of immigrants
Immigration demagoguery (Muslim ban)
Bounties allowed on US soldiers
Suborned political dirt against his opponent from a foreign country
Insults our generals and military dead
Insults EVERYBODY else and stokes division
Lies to his followers who then deny his obvious lies.
Allowed more than 100,000 Americans to die rather than do EVERYTHING in his power to protect them
Prosecutes his enemies
Releases his friends from prosecution
Being overall creepy with his daughter
Insults and disrespects women
Acting in a manner that demeans the Office of the President of the United States almost daily.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Firstly, this is my country & I am a member of the House that impeached you.<br><br>Secondly, I fled civil war when I was 8. An 8-year-old doesn't run a country even though you run our country like one. <a href="https://t.co/zcKKjdC8ju">https://t.co/zcKKjdC8ju</a></p>— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) <a href="https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1308579169081540608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yes...deplorable...if you think this is funny or appropriate for a President then your take is deplorable. This behavior is dangerous, undemocratic and perfectly in line with the way this man child has behaved.

4) many blacks are as racist and any racist white people. The point is, if you don't want everything to be about race then quit bringing race up. Funny how you'd have a hard time showing me the multiple instances where blacks have killed someone solely because of their race. We are the only group of people who have had to endure racial violence that is still happening today. Black racists (as you call them) learned from the best. As far as bringing it up...that is clearly the pot calling the kettle "black." If people don't want blacks bring up race they should just stop being racist.

I don't have a problem with racists as long as their racism/prejudice is not used to harm others. This is America and people can think and say whatever they like with the understanding that societal mores might assess their positions as unwanted.

As far as being full of shiit, I assure you that my recently completed colonoscopy makes that highly unlikely.
Gregg Youngblood
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Why cherrypick China? Canada, Mexico, France, Greece..lots of the world prefer Biden and most Americans too.

Gregg Youngblood
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Gregg Youngblood said:


1) you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You say "socialism" is my term but in your own words you say that you think that "my fear" of socialism is "unwarranted". Make up your mind. Do you know what socialism even is? Do you know what Communism even is? It doesn't sound like it.You said I was a Socialist, Communist, Marxist. I say I am an American that believes in freedom AND equality. I do not ascribe to everyone having the same but I do support a minimum standard for all...Whatever term you want to use is your business BUT I have been clear from Day 1 that the Scandinavian models are working and viable here.

2) you're so full of shiit. You show me where Conservatives used to be Democrats. That is massive ignorance and never ever happened. Blacks started voting Democrat after the New Deal. Conservatives didn't switch parties. Where did you get that? Philosophies change over time but don't try to sell me on Conservatives used to be Democrats. This trope has ran past it's shelf life. You know very well that the Dixiecrats whose standard bearer was good ole "hide your black daughter" Strom Thurmond were the "conservatives" in the party who migrated to the Republican party and yes some of the bigots stayed until the end but clearly all Republicans aren't racist but all the racists are Republicans. Hillary Clinton's biggest mistake was backing away from her "DEPLORABLES" comment. Many Trump supporters are all in with him:

Permanently separating children from their parents
Unwitting sterilizations of immigrants
Immigration demagoguery (Muslim ban)
Bounties allowed on US soldiers
Suborned political dirt against his opponent from a foreign country
Insults our generals and military dead
Insults EVERYBODY else and stokes division
Lies to his followers who then deny his obvious lies.
Allowed more than 100,000 Americans to die rather than do EVERYTHING in his power to protect them
Prosecutes his enemies
Releases his friends from prosecution
Being overall creepy with his daughter
Insults and disrespects women
Acting in a manner that demeans the Office of the President of the United States almost daily.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Firstly, this is my country & I am a member of the House that impeached you.<br><br>Secondly, I fled civil war when I was 8. An 8-year-old doesn't run a country even though you run our country like one. <a href="https://t.co/zcKKjdC8ju">https://t.co/zcKKjdC8ju</a></p>— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) <a href="https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1308579169081540608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Yes...deplorable...if you think this is funny or appropriate for a President then your take is deplorable. This behavior is dangerous, undemocratic and perfectly in line with the way this man child has behaved.

4) many blacks are as racist and any racist white people. The point is, if you don't want everything to be about race then quit bringing race up. Funny how you'd have a hard time showing me the multiple instances where blacks have killed someone solely because of their race. We are the only group of people who have had to endure racial violence that is still happening today. Black racists (as you call them) learned from the best. As far as bringing it up...that is clearly the pot calling the kettle "black." If people don't want blacks bring up race they should just stop being racist.

I don't have a problem with racists as long as their racism/prejudice is not used to harm others. This is America and people can think and say whatever they like with the understanding that societal mores might assess their positions as unwanted.

As far as being full of shiit, I assure you that my recently completed colonoscopy makes that highly unlikely.


1) if It the 80% heavy taxation is the model you want then quit referencing Socialism and Communism as being models that have done anything good anywhere in the world; EVER. Socialism and Communism have never done anything good for black people; EVER. The Scandinavian model is a "Capitalist" model that uses massive taxation and it employs lots of government run social programs. That philosophy has never once been attempted in a country of 330+ million people. Trump has proved that the economy thrives far better when the government taxes people less and gets out of the way. Never forget where the government gets its money. People who are taxed less spend more; therefore the government makes more in taxes, even though the tax rate is less.

If you believe the government can spend your money better than you can then why don't you just send them a check each month? Name one thing that our Federal Government manages well and runs in "the black"; and is not hemorrhaging with inefficiency and debt? You cannot ! It's never happened.

2) Are you out of your mind? You claim all racist are Republican. I'm sorry, that comment is not only a flat out lie, it's stupid. If you're telling me that black people aren't racists then you're just an idiot. Some black people are as racist against white people as one could possibly get.

3). You think Joe Biden is less racist than Republicans? You may want to review some of his history. Oh, I'm sure he gets a pass because he's a Democrat. Do I think the man is "racists", NO, I don't. I don't think he's any more racist than any Republican in congress.

Every 4 years suckers like you fall for the same claims of racism as though somehow Republican voters are inherently more racist than Democrats; when anybody with an honest brain can clearly see that it is the Democrats who have kept their foots on the throats of black people for the last 60+ years while the largest Democrat cities in America burn. To suggest that the average Republican voter doesn't like black people and thinks of them as inferior is an outright lie. You need to wake up an look around at your surrounding. It's not the Republicans who have created government dependence for America's black population. It's not Republicans who are not in favor of the nuclear family. Blacks have an issue with fatherless children. Gee, what does that sound like. The removal of the nuclear family is written in BLM's mission statement.

4) Name for me which Republicans in the Senate and the House are racists? You cannot because you're just running your mouth without facts.

5) Name for me the name of the White Supremacist organization that the Dems keep talking about? You don't have a clue. You better go look it up. Name for me the leader of this White Supremacist organization. Name for me an example of Republican policy this White Supremacist organization has influenced. You cannot because your spouting baseless bull shiit and you know it. I'm staring to question if you're racist. With craap talk like this it really makes me wonder.

6) as for your colonoscopy, as a survivor of colon cancer I understand more about that topic than I ever cared to know. Trust me !!

Geaux Tigers !!!
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Gregg Youngblood said:

Why cherrypick China? Canada, Mexico, France, Greece..lots of the world prefer Biden and most Americans too.

Lot's of the world prefers Biden and the Democrats because Trump has messed up their little game. This one world government concept is not a mirage. There are many players one the world stage who are impacted by Trump's method of managing America. Exiting the Iran Deal, exiting the TPP, forcing NATO and the UN countries to pay up, killing NAFTA, putting Tariffs on China, etc etc etc all have monetary impacts on many many government officials and politicians around the globe. Lots of people who were making money off these deals got screwed when Trump changed the game. That is what is happening in a nut shell. I gave you a book to read but you didn't read it. If you want to have some concept of what is happening this book gives a glimpse of how things operate around the world. I read it and after reading it I have zero concept of how it directly affects what is going on in the world today. I do, however, have a better understanding of how the world politicians and bankers make decisions that impact us all. You like to read. Get it. It's called The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson. Very interesting read !
And NO, I do not follow "Q". I heard about it and I know they subscribe to a lot of conspiracy stuff, however, I don't follow them. This book is just information. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. Nevertheless, it's an interesting read.

Gregg Youngblood
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I already told you I have my own copy and have started this screed. Trump is not supported by a majority of Americans so what does it matter what other countries think. Trump has upset nothing. Wealthy people have become more wealthy. His interim head of DHS has allowed million $$ contracts to his wife's business (who had never had a governmental contract before).

The old grifters are gone...hail to the new grifters.

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Gregg Youngblood said:

I already told you I have my own copy and have started this screed. Trump is not supported by a majority of Americans so what does it matter what other countries think. Trump has upset nothing. Wealthy people have become more wealthy. His interim head of DHS has allowed million $$ contracts to his wife's business (who had never had a governmental contract before).

The old grifters are gone...hail to the new grifters.

Gregg, good for you. The book is just information. There is no way to know exactly how much is true. What I would bet is that much of the methodology of how decisions are made around the world for the past 100+ years is likely fairly accurate. Not sure why reading a book that details what very well could be factual data about world history would be a screed for you. What other information do you have to scrutinize this information against? The author goes to great lengths to lay out as many facts as he can to support his opinion. Is any of it true? I have zero idea. However, when you see that much circumstantial evidence of how the world governments and bankers work behind the scene it starts to paint a picture; in my opinion.

I had already read about the Rothschilds and Rockefeller's and the Federal Reserve so a lot of what this author is suggesting falls directly in line with what is written in other books. I'm just not sure why anyone would take a cynical view when you don't have any evidence to dispute it one way or the other. It's just information. Personally, I find it quite interesting; regardless of whether I can verify if it's true or not. I think some of it is likely true; maybe most of it. The author lays out a lot of references to support his claims.
Gregg Youngblood
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"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it."- Winston Churchill, 1948

Here are some great examples:




"the systematic attempt to create grievances in order to exploit them" pg. 37 of the Unseen Hand

This is the fallout from grievance: assault on values, make america great again, Marxist, anarchists coming for your stuff, moving into your suburbs. This rhetoric is extremely dangerous. One side is showing up with placards and slogans while the other side brings assault weapons.

Law enforcement should not encourage these dingbats.

I am all in on defending one's person and personal property. I might extend that to one's commercial property but not to a group who comes to "help" and if they are lucky they may be greenlighted to kill a few libs. I am almost certain that most, if not all, the property was insured and for the uninsured property, I believe that a gofundme effort is more appropriate than a hail of bullets. Property can be replaced; life can not.
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Gregg Youngblood said:

"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it."- Winston Churchill, 1948

Here are some great examples:




"the systematic attempt to create grievances in order to exploit them" pg. 37 of the Unseen Hand

This is the fallout from grievance: assault on values, make america great again, Marxist, anarchists coming for your stuff, moving into your suburbs. This rhetoric is extremely dangerous. One side is showing up with placards and slogans while the other side brings assault weapons.

Law enforcement should not encourage these dingbats.

I am all in on defending one's person and personal property. I might extend that to one's commercial property but not to a group who comes to "help" and if they are lucky they may be greenlighted to kill a few libs. I am almost certain that most, if not all, the property was insured and for the uninsured property, I believe that a gofundme effort is more appropriate than a hail of bullets. Property can be replaced; life can not.
Man, you really do have on the Liberal Democrat glasses. You selectively pick out anything you can search for to make your point. Even though we've seen the Liberal Communist/Socials Democrats, BLM and Antifa burn down cities for months you are going to select one of the few instances where Conservatives came to stand up to the violence.

As for instances that happened 100 years ago, you won't get me to disagree that times were rough back then and America was in a much different place than where we are today. I'm not sure that anything that occurred in 1910 has a whole lot to do with 2020 and forward. We are in a different time and many things have changed in the last 100 years.

As for the articles you pasted above, are you trying to make people believe that the instances attributed to Conservatives causing trouble are anywhere in the same hemisphere in numbers to what has been caused by Liberal Communist/Socials Democrats, BLM and Antifa ? Please don't question my intelligence. If you believe that I'm questioning you're IQ.

You're thinking is flawed. I need you to show me where you get your mindset. I think you've been misled. If you haven't been misled then there should be some history that supports what you are claiming. I'm assuming that you're still confused in thinking that somehow the Republican's of 2020 were the Democrats of old. That makes zero sense and you can't find any evidence to back that crazy thought up. You referenced the Dixiecrats and Strohm Thurmond several times in your previous posts as though they represent some large exodus of Democrats to the Republican Party. I'm sorry, but that means you're simply ignorant and misinformed once again.

Fact: Most of the Dixiecrats were part of a 'break away" Democrat political party formed in 1948. It is documented that most of the Dixiecrats returned the Democrat Party after Harry Truman was elected presedent. This is a fact that blows up your baseless claim. You make it sound like all Democrats became Republican's. Less than a handful of Dixiecrat Democrats politicians switched parties; not the entire party. The Democrats remained the Democrat Party. The Dixiecrats remained in the Democrat Party. That did not change.

Strohm Thurmond didn't become a Republican until 1964.
The Democrats and Democrat Senator Robert Byrd Filabustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act for 14 hours on the floor of the Senate. I'm not sure where you get your facts that make you believe the Democrats were in support of the black cause. You got suckered once again.

Of the 26 known Dixiecrats (5 governors and 21 senators) only three ever became Republicans: Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Mills E. Godwind, Jr. The segregationists in the Senate, on the other hand, would return to their party and fight against the Civil Rights acts of 1957, 1960 and 1964.


The only thing that changed was blacks started voting Democrat after Roosevelt passed the New Deal in 1936.
Before the New Deal blacks voted 80% Republican. That is a fact.

Show me evidence that you state that the Democrat party of the 1860's became the Republican Party. That would mean Democrats changed party. That never happened.
So, when you can't find evidence to support your claim, does that dawn on you that maybe you should rethink your position? Or, do you just keep not seeing what is in front of your face?

Gregg Youngblood
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My post is a clarion call regarding "citizen militias" (because America already has one - The National Guard). Citizen militias have historically led to gross acts of misguided violence.

The rest of your post is just ZZ garble....so okay...
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Gregg Youngblood said:

My post is a clarion call regarding "citizen militias" (because America already has one - The National Guard). Citizen militias have historically led to gross acts of misguided violence.

The rest of your post is just ZZ garble....so okay...

I know Gregg. I notice whenever you get shut down you don't want to respond.
What happened to your telling me about the Dixiecrats being Democrats that crossed over to being Republican's.
That was a factually incorrect statement on your behalf.
It's clear you cannot show me where the Democrat Party turned Republican.
That would seem to be a fundamental blow to your entire position in being a Democrat.
You could never answer the question when I asked you to show me what the Democrats have done to improve the black cause over the last 60+ years.
You said the Republican's opposed the Civil Rights act when it was the Democrats who filibustered.
You said the Republican's opposed Woman's Right to Vote act when more Democrats opposed it than GOP.
You suggested the Republican Party of the party of White Supremacist but you have zero evidence and cannot name even one White Supremacist group or leader.
I keep shooting holes in you and you keep on denying what is right in front of your face.
You don't know if your Socialist or Capitalist.
You can't figure out if BLM is a good thing or a Marxist organization.
Democrat cities have had by far the worst crime in the country for decades and are burning down with crime and you look the other way.
Any black person who sees the hypocrisy of the Democrat party is an Uncle Tom.
It's sad that a black person seeking change for the better gets attacked by other black people wanting to stick with the failed status quo. Sad !!

But it's me that's talking garble while you post link after link of meaningless gibberish as it relates to Democrats vs Republicans in 2020.

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Gregg Youngblood said:

My post is a clarion call regarding "citizen militias" (because America already has one - The National Guard). Citizen militias have historically led to gross acts of misguided violence.

The rest of your post is just ZZ garble....so okay...

I'm not sure what your point was about. If you're suggesting America's National Guard is ever used as some kind of Government tool used to kill black Americans then you're out of your mind and once again off in the ditch with your thinking. What was your point anyway? You never really said.
Gregg Youngblood
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We don't need citizen's militias out "keeping the peace." The National Guard is our citizen's militia. Lives would have not been lost if the 17 year old "militia" member hadn't decided to help the police and national guardsmen that were already fully engaged and appropriately managing the situation in Kenosha.

I'd also like to add that it is my belief that had there been a group of heavily armed black men on the scene the authorities would have reminded them of the curfew and told them to leave.

These people are ammosexual vigilantes out looking for a reason to kill someone. The last person the radicalized young man shot actually had a gun in his hand that was clearly pointed upward in an effort to diffuse the situation. The violent antifa activist (he wasn't) could have very easily shot that young man but instead took a bullet.
Gregg Youngblood
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ZZ I am absolutely over your self projection. I posted about Lee Atwater's well known admission of the racist approach that buttressed the Southern strategy long ago only to have you ignore it.

I said the "King of the Dixiecrats" Strom Thurmond as an example and you named two more and said that doesn't prove anything to you. I have no intention of proving it because it is a completely conceded point be any honest arbiter.

Furthermore, I'll continue to defer to what my Mother said as I informed her that her eldest son had registered as a Republican. Mama said "Y'all young people seem to think things have changed but I could never vote with the Republicans cause those are the same peckerwoods who mistreated Fannie Lou Hamer and the black delegates at the 1968 convention." Mama went on to further express that the White Citizen's Council in Mississippi ( used to be the leading Democrats. The White Citizen's Council was rebranded as the Council of Conservative Citizens and runs roughshod over the Republican party to this day. So this is an issue that we can formally agree to disagree on.
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Gregg Youngblood said:

ZZ I am absolutely over your self projection. I posted about Lee Atwater's well known admission of the racist approach that buttressed the Southern strategy long ago only to have you ignore it.

I said the "King of the Dixiecrats" Strom Thurmond as an example and you named two more and said that doesn't prove anything to you. I have no intention of proving it because it is a completely conceded point be any honest arbiter.

Furthermore, I'll continue to defer to what my Mother said as I informed her that her eldest son had registered as a Republican. Mama said "Y'all young people seem to think things have changed but I could never vote with the Republicans cause those are the same peckerwoods who mistreated Fannie Lou Hamer and the black delegates at the 1968 convention." Mama went on to further express that the White Citizen's Council in Mississippi ( used to be the leading Democrats. The White Citizen's Council was rebranded as the Council of Conservative Citizens and runs roughshod over the Republican party to this day. So this is an issue that we can formally agree to disagree on.

What the hell is "self projection" got to do with you not being able to answer simple questions.
You keep pulling out these single incidents many years ago to paint an entire party with one broad brush while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that today's Democrat Party has only worked to hold blacks back. You willingly ignore mountains of evidence that show your own Democrat Party did far worse things to black people while you ignore it and give them a pass. It's not self projection when its true. You conveniently skip over these issues each time I bring them up; whether it be the Civil War, KKK, segregation, Civil Rights. You skip the part where Democrats are guilty. Then you try to say Democrats turned Republican, which is bull shiit you can't prove.

I certainly respect your mothers right to her opinion but even I would think that of all states, Mississippi would be one of the last hold outs for segregation etc. Could their be racist Republicans, certainly there are. There are racist Democrats too.

Your belief that the Republican party in 2020 is somehow an anti black platform is simply not based in a shred of fact.

You continually side step the questions:

1) what have Democrats done to improve the black condition in the last 60+ years? What is better?

2) where is the proof all over America that some Republican White Supremacist organization is out there? Who are the leaders? Where are they protesting? I'm not saying there aren't White Supremacist somewhere, but their organization has no size and has zero influence in the Republican party, or with the Republican voter. I've never seen any modern political movement based on white supremacy. To try and make a white person buy that garbage is a reach and falls on deaf ears every single time because white people don't know of any white supremacist organizations. It's a 100% Democrat ploy.

Look, if you don't have the skill to continue this debate we can end it whenever you like. When you can win the debate with facts and evidence I shall gladly admit defeat. I've been trying to figure out why blacks vote Democrat for years; especially in 2020. I'm still searching for that answer. You have shown me nothing to support why you blindly give the Democrats your vote. Gregg, keep in mind, in this whole debate, I've been tirelessly trying to get you to leave the Democrat party. Does that sound like a racist to you? Remember, you said all Republicans are racists? Isn't that what you said? I take offense to that if that was your meaning.

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Gregg Youngblood said:

ZZ I am absolutely over your self projection. I posted about Lee Atwater's well known admission of the racist approach that buttressed the Southern strategy long ago only to have you ignore it.

I said the "King of the Dixiecrats" Strom Thurmond as an example and you named two more and said that doesn't prove anything to you. I have no intention of proving it because it is a completely conceded point be any honest arbiter.

Furthermore, I'll continue to defer to what my Mother said as I informed her that her eldest son had registered as a Republican. Mama said "Y'all young people seem to think things have changed but I could never vote with the Republicans cause those are the same peckerwoods who mistreated Fannie Lou Hamer and the black delegates at the 1968 convention." Mama went on to further express that the White Citizen's Council in Mississippi ( used to be the leading Democrats. The White Citizen's Council was rebranded as the Council of Conservative Citizens and runs roughshod over the Republican party to this day. So this is an issue that we can formally agree to disagree on.

What the hell is "self projection" got to do with you not being able to answer simple questions.
You keep pulling out these single incidents many years ago to paint an entire party with one broad brush while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that today's Democrat Party has only worked to hold blacks back. You willingly ignore mountains of evidence that show your own Democrat Party did far worse things to black people while you ignore it and give them a pass. It's not self projection when its true. You conveniently skip over these issues each time I bring them up; whether it be the Civil War, KKK, segregation, Civil Rights. You skip the part where Democrats are guilty. Then you try to say Democrats turned Republican, which is bull shiit you can't prove.

I certainly respect your mothers right to her opinion but even I would think that of all states, Mississippi would be one of the last hold outs for segregation etc. Could their be racist Republicans, certainly there are. There are racist Democrats too.

Your belief that the Republican party in 2020 is somehow an anti black platform is simply not based in a shred of fact.

You continually side step the questions:

1) what have Democrats done to improve the black condition in the last 60+ years? What is better?

Explain why the largest Democrat cities in America have operated under total Democrat control for decades and have the highest crime, poorest performing government run schools, highest unemployment, highest poverty etc etc etc. This is Democrat policy that did this. What are you waiting for? What do you need to see? How much more pain do you need to see to be convinced it doesn't work. You've been suckered !!!

2) where is the proof all over America that some Republican White Supremacist organization is out there? Who are the leaders? Where are they protesting?

I'm not saying there aren't White Supremacist somewhere, but their organization has no size and has zero influence in the Republican party, or with the Republican voter. I've never seen any modern political Conservative movement based on white supremacy. Your attempt to try and make a white person buy that garbage is a reach and falls on deaf ears every single time because white people don't know of any white supremacist organizations. It's a 100% Democrat ploy.
You were suckered once again.

Look, if you don't have the skill to continue this debate we can end it whenever you like. When you can win the debate with facts and evidence I shall gladly admit defeat. I've been trying to figure out why blacks vote Democrat for years; especially in 2020. I'm still searching for that answer. I really wish you could show me where I'm wrong. You have shown me nothing to support why you blindly give the Democrats your vote.

Gregg, keep in mind, during this whole debate between you and I, I've been tirelessly trying to get you to leave the Democrat party. Does that sound like a racist to you? Remember, you said all Republicans are racists? Isn't that what you said? I take offense to that if that was your meaning.

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